Hello, my dear noise maker, A new batch will be released today: SUNDAY, MAY 12TH AT 15:00 CET  You can expect a restock of all modules with some extra "LE BRASIER" and "BAGARRE".  I also need to inform you that I won’t be present at this SUPERBOOTH edition due to some organizational issues, yes, it's entirely my fault. I was too focused on building new modules and forgot the deadline to organize something for the event...  The upside is that the new modules are truly exceptional, and some should drop in the next batch. Of course, I will keep you updated and give some sneak peeks and previews to my beloved Instagram followers. Feel free to follow me : SOVAGE INSTAGRAM  For demos, overviews, tutorials, and more, don’t forget to subscribe to the YOUTUBE channel too!  Have a great day and be ready for the drop ! Best to my sovages,  Mike |
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Eurorack Modular Synthesizers and Effects.
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